3D Comenius – EU Erasmus+ project


developing a teaching method for 3D thinking and printing


3D comenius is an international educational project and a two year experience for schools, designers, design and science centres from Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Sweden. These countries worked together on a teaching method on how to teach children the fun of creating, techniques and tinkering by making use of 3D printers.

The partnership worked together to learn about recent developments in 3D technology. They looked at the ideas and techniques of 3-dimensional design and construction and learned about 3D printing and the biobased economy. Sharing is an important aspect of how the new technology works in practice, and so is ideal as a basis for the partnership.

A closing conference was held in Leeuwarden on the 15th till 17th of June. All partners of schools, pupils and designers, design and science centres met in Leeuwarden. During the meeting they discussed the report, the manual, the experience they had and of course the next step. The first steps are being made to continue setting up an Erasmus+ project.

Check the website here for more information and to follow this project.


Boras, Sweden, Januari 2017 – training week about how to set up lesson plans in various subjects.
Suffolk, England, May 2017 – working with 3D software and 3D printing with clay
L’Éliana, Spain, September 2017 – Crafts as a start for 3D design
Sandness, Norway, Januari 2018
Outokumpu, Finland, maart 2018
Vlieland, the Netherlands, juni 2018 – Final Meeting


Where: England, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands
When: Januari 2013 – July 2015
Partners: Provincie Fryslan, the schools from the various countries , Jonathan Keep, Navet, Ann Brown.
Tags: 3D education
Website: www.3dcomenius.com


  • "3D printing starts with 3D thinking. That motivates me to use 3D in my lessons. Not only the tool, but what it adds to teaching in general. My students help me with this."
    Brit Iren Hetland Haavik, Vagen, Sandness (Norway)